W. James MacLean: Publications

  1. Most Important Publications

  2. Publications

    Refereed Journal Publications

    Bakambu JN, Langley C, Pushpanathan G, MacLean WJ, Mukherji R, Dupuis E.
    Field Trial Results of Planetary Rover Visual Motion Estimation in Mars Analogue Terrain, Journal of Field Robotics, 29(3):413–425, 2012.

    MacLean WJ, Sabihuddin S, Islam, J.
    Leveraging Cost Matrix Structure for Hardware Implementation of Stereo Disparity Computation Using Dynamic Programming. Computer Vision & Image Understanding (Special Issue on Embedded Systems), 114(11):1126–1138, 2010.

    MacLean WJ, Tsotsos JK.
    Fast pattern recognition in grey-scale images using gradient-descent search in an image pyramid. Machine Vision & Applications. 19:163–179, 2007.

    Faraji H, MacLean WJ.
    CCD Noise Removal in Digital Images. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 15(9):2676--2685 2006

    Darabiha A, Maclean WJ, Rose, J.
    Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of a Phase-Correlation Stereo Algorithm, Machine Vision & Applications, 17(2):116--132 2006

    Chung D, MacLean WJ, Dickinson S.
    Integrating Region & Boundary Information for Spatially Coherent Object Tracking. Image & Vision Computing, 24:680--692 2006.

    R. Herpers, K. Derpanis, W. J. MacLean, G. Verghese, M. Jenkin, E. Milios, A. Jepson, and J.K. Tsotsos
    SAVI: An actively controlled teleconferencing system, Image and Vision Computing, Vol.19, 793-804, 2001.

    Frecker RC, MacLean WJ.
    Mathematical approaches to modelling the oculomotor control system. Mathematical Scientist 1988 13:135-151 (Invited paper)

    Refereed Conference Publications

    Bakambu JS, Langley C, Pushpanathan G, MacLean WJ, Mukherji R, Dupuis E. Planetary Rover Visual Motion Estimation improvement for Autonomous, Intelligent, and Robust Guidance, Navigation and Control, 10th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space (i-SAIRAS 2010), Aug 2010, Sapporo, Japan [To Appear]
    Sabihuddin S, Islam J, MacLean WJ. Dynamic Programming Approach to High-Frame-Rate Stereo Correspondence: A Pipelined Architecture Implemented on a Field Programmable Gate Array, Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, May 2008
    Islam J, Chun PW, Kirischian L, MacLean WJ. Lowering power consumption using a micro-level static architecture for stereo rectification, to appear Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering, May 2008
    Mierle K, MacLean WJ. Evaluating Multiview Reconstruction, International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, Santorini, Greece; May 2008.
    Kang JJ, Guestrin ED, MacLean WJ, Eizenman M. Simplifying the Cross-Ratios Method of Point-of-Gaze Estimation, 30th Canadian Medical Biology and Engineering Conference, June 16-19, Toronto, Canada, 2007.
    Worby J, MacLean WJ. Establishing Visual Correspondence from Multi-Resolution Graph Cuts for Stereo-Motion, Accepted for presentation at Fourth Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, Montreal, QC. 28-30 May 2007
    Cabani C, MacLean WJ. Implementation of an Affine-Covariant Feature Detector in Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, International Conference on Computer Vision Systems 2007, Bielefeld, Germany, March 21-24, 2007
    Sabihuddin S, MacLean WJ. FPGA Implementation of Dynamic Programming Stereo Vision for High Frame-Rate Tracking System, International Conference on Computer Vision Systems 2007, Bielefeld, Germany, March 21-24, 2007
    Kristensen F, MacLean WJ. FPGA Real-Time Extraction of Maximally-Stable Extremal Regions, Accepted for presentation at IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New Orleans, USA, May 27-30, 2007
    Cristina Cabani, W. James MacLean.
    A Proposed Pipelined-Architecture for FPGA-Based Affine-Invariant Feature Detectors. Accepted for presentation at The Second IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision Systems, New York, June 2006
    Divyang Masrani and W. James MacLean,
    A Real-Time, Large Disparity-Range Stereo System Using FPGAs, Accepted for Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Hyderabad, India, January 2006.

    Divyang Masrani and W. James MacLean,
    Architecture for a Real-Time, Large Disparity-Range Stereo System Using FPGAs, Accepted for publication & presentation at IEEE International Conference On Computer Vision Systems, New York, January 2006

    Faisal Qureshi, Diego Macrini, Desmond Chung, James Maclean, Sven Dickinson, and Piotr Jasiobedzki,
    A Computer Vision System for Spaceborne Safety Monitoring, Proceedings, 8th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space, Munich, September 2005.

    MacLean WJ.
    An Evaluation of the Suitability of FPGAs for Embedded Vision Systems, The First IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision Systems, San Diego, June 2005.

    Masrani DK, MacLean WJ.
    Expanding Stereo-Disparity Range in an FPGA System While Keeping Resource Utilization Low , The First IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision Systems, San Diego, June 2005.

    Chung D, MacLean WJ, Dickinson S.
    Integrating Region and Boundary Information for Improved Spatial Coherence in Object Tracking. IEEE Workshop on Articulated & Non-Rigid Motion, Washington, D.C., June 2004

    Faraji H, MacLean WJ.
    Adaptive Suppression of CCD Signal-Dependent Noise In Light Space, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing, Montreal, May 17-21, 2004

    Darabiha A., Rose J., MacLean WJ.
    Video-Rate Stereo Depth Measurement on Programmable Hardware. Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, June 16-22, Madison, WI, Vol. 1, 203-210, 2003

    MacLean, WJ.
    A Bayesian Technique for Distinguishing Between Melody Notes and Grace Notes in Recorded Performances, Proceedings of the 2002 International Computer Music Conference, Sep 16-21, Göteborg, Sweden, 368-375, 2002

    Tsui, V, MacLean WJ.
    Harmonic Analysis Using Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 2002 International Computer Music Conference, Sep 16-21, Göteborg, Sweden, 16-19, 2002

    MacLean WJ, Herpers R, Pantofaru C, Wood L, Derpanis K, Tsostsos J.
    Fast Hand Gesture Recognition for Real-Time Teleconferencing Applications. Second International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-time Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Vancouver, July 13-14 2001

    Herpers R, Derpanis K, Topalovic D, Pantofaru C, MacLean WJ, Verghese G, Jepson A, Tsotsos JK.
    Active Visual Control by Stereo Active Vision Interface (SAVI), Proceeding in Artificial Intelligence, 9(3):81-86 GI Workshop Dynamische Preception, Infix Verlag, 2000.

    MacLean WJ, Tsostsos JK.
    Fast Pattern Recognition Using Gradient-Descent Search in an Image Pyramid. Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Sep. 2000, Barcelona, Spain, Vol.2, 877-881

    MacLean WJ.
    Removal of Translation Bias when using Subspace Methods. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Vision, Corfu, Greece, September 20-27, 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2:753-758

    Herpers R, Verghese G, Derpanis K, McReady R, MacLean J, Levin A, Topalovic D, Wood L, Jepson A, Tsotsos J.
    Detection and Tracking of Faces in Real Environments. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis and Tracking of Faces and Gestures in Real-Time Systems. Corfu, Greece, September 26-27, 1999. IEEE Computer Society Press

    MacLean WJ, Jepson AD, Frecker RC.
    Recovery of Egomotion and segmentation of independent object motion using the EM algorithm. British Machine Vision Conference, York, England September 13-16 1994

    MacLean WJ, Frecker RC.
    Clinical pupilometry system running under MS Windows. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Spring Meeting, Sarasota, Florida May 1992

    Frecker RC, MacLean WJ, Eizenman M, Collis RS.
    Comparison of latencies of saccades elicited during fixation and smooth pursuit. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Spring Meeting, Sarasota, Florida May 1991

    Frecker RC, MacLean WJ, Eizenman M.
    Diltiazem-induced vertical eye-movement hypometria detected by a high-speed eye tracking system optimized for clinical investigation. in Pedersen PC, Onaral B. [Eds] Proceedings of the twelfth annual international conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Philadelphia 1990 2:781-783

    MacLean WJ, Frecker RC.
    An algebraic method for compensating for coil-placement errors in three-dimensional search-coil eye trackers. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 11th Annual International Conference, Seattle, WA. November 1989

    Frecker RC, Eizenman M, MacLean WJ.
    An evaluation of optical radiation hazards associated with infrared corneal-reflection eye trackers. 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, Toronto, ON. June 1989

    Frecker RC, MacLean WJ.
    Linear multivariate regression technique for calibrating 2-dimensional corneal-reflection eye trackers. 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, Toronto, ON. June 1989

    MacLean WJ, Frecker RC.
    DASI: Software for collection, display, and analysis of eye movement data. 15th Annual Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, Toronto, ON. June 1989

    MacLean WJ, Frecker RC, Eizenman M.
    Prediction of saccadic amplitude from observed eye position through reconstruction of neural signals. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Spring Meeting, Sarasota, Florida May 1989

    Non-Refereed Conference Papers

    MacLean WJ. Particle Filters and Sequential Monte Carlo Techniques Using GPUs. NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference, San José, Sep 30–Oct 2 2009


    MacLean WJ.
    Recovery of Egomotion and segmentation of independent object motion using the EM algorithm. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 1996

    MacLean WJ.
    Early prediction of saccadic amplitude. M.A.Sc. Thesis, Institute of Biomedical Engineering & Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto. September 1989

    Career Totals:
    8 in Refereed Journals
    34 in Refereed Conferences

Last modified on 2025.01.27